What People Are Commenting
Colonial America, Bad Teachings and Charismatics
Colonial America
Great website. Very informative and referenced. Your article Let None Dare Care It Liberty greatly reduced research time for a documentary on anti-Catholicism in colonial America.
I'm also working on other projects and I am in need of higher resolution pictures of the Battle of Lepanto, do you have either links or the pictures themselves. Or the actual location of the originals. Credit will be given.
Recommend you don't answer every fool, it's a waste of time. "Invincible ignorance" was defined for a reason.
Col. T.S.
I was hoping that Tradition in Action could write an article summarizing the evils of the "Feminist Movement" and how this trend has caused divorce, hurt children and destroyed families.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Mr. B.J.
Although we have already dealt with many aspects of Feminism, we still haven't addressed the aspect you mentioned. We will keep it in mind. Thank you for your suggestion.
TIA correspondence desk
P.S.: This question was answered in 2007; since then, we have written many more articles on Feminism. Besides the
Feminism Page, we also recommend our page on
Women and Men in Society.

Bad Teachings
I love the Tradition of long ago in my Catholic Church. The Suffering, Militant, Persecuted, Triumphant, Mother Church. Fr. Richard Rohr [New Age Franciscan from the Center for Action and Contemplation] was invited to speak for three days to the priest and all Diocesen ministers. Sad! They just don't care about introducing false teachers to us! What we need and what it's time for is true Reconciliation.
He [Rohr] is bringing more watered down messages, killing many souls and our traditional Catholic Church. If I wanted to be Protestant, I would be. He preached against the Church we love, know and embrace. He forgets our Church will prevail - I guess he didn't believe what Jesus said!
He spoke about "Jesus had only one Mass, why so many Masses?" Then he laughed. He said that we [the pre-Vatican Church] worship Saints and all of the Rituals keep us away from our God. He said that now there is another Devotion, Padre Pio. I couldn't believe my ears. Then he pretends to speak to us about contemplation and the monastic life. He is far from it! Contemplation is a desire and a gift, it is unity with God, and that is holy, our God is Holy.
How deeply do we desire to offer ourselves to Our Lord and how much we wish to give up for our Master and Savior! We Catholics need to gather together and that is the only way we shall stand! Yet so many are broken into small groups. Attacking each other! I am right and you are wrong. What a waste of time. Now look what time has done! Empty churches, Catholic schools closed, Tabernacles out of sight and out of mind, no kneelers.
This is not acceptable: "Do as you please, God loves you the way you are so don't bother seeking to be transformed and become a repentant sinner!!!! The Commandments are suggestions! There is no Original Sin, there is no Hell, etc. etc."
God sees it all, and the Holy Spirit has been cleansing our Church, bringing all to surface, and what is next only God knows! They are in a comfort zone, and anything goes but the Truth! Sad! They have pushed many souls, scattered them all over, just to build a New American Church. "Woe to those that scatter My Sheep." They said, My way or No way! We are told how to worship and if we seek holiness, they laugh at us. It is about Jesus and souls. Only the Truth can set a soul free!
Pray, Jesus said, follow me and pray unceasingly. Seek, knock, ask, TRUST AND BELIEVE!
He blessed us over 2000 years ago, "Blessed Art Those Who Believe & Have Not Seen."
I attended Catholic School in South Bronx, taught by Dominican nuns, and I am a true Dominican myself, by the grace of God who called me the second time into the Order! Veritas!!!! To Die is truly To Live! Christ is extremely alive! His Missions continue! We are each unique to God in our own gifts, talents and experiences. We are called to respect each other, in our Faith, beliefs and spirituality, called to preach, bless and adore! God is in control, and we thank Him. The evil one is so tiny compare to our Almighty God!
We must keep aware of what is going on, but focus on and trust the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus only focused on the Father! We are called to live the Gospel, the spiritual life of Christ. He is the Eternal life in the Holy Eucharist, our spiritual food. The Source and Summit of our Faith and Church. This is the only way and life! Every day we are called to live the spiritual life, not the life that the world offers.
God Bless you!
Adressing Priests
I recently received your very good article (sent on to me by a friend) on correct forms of address for priests and religious. One small nuance - some priests and brothers in the older religious Orders do not use the surname except for civil legal reasons, and are quite properly addressed by their Saint's name.
For example, it is quite proper and not at all familiar to address me, a priest of the Order of Canons Regular of Premontre, founded in 1120, as "Father William." In fact, because of the custom of my community, I find it irritating to be addressed as "Father Fisher," as if I were a secular (Diocesan) priest, or a member of some modern congregation or society such as the Jesuits. There are a number of Orders that had this custom and still do have it.
Fr. W.F.
Charismatics in Heaven...
I understand how you feel and why you believe this [the Charismatic movement] is not Catholic. This occurred in the book of Acts, all thru it. It really is not a denominational event. It is a God event. He does not fit neatly into our own imaginings. He is bigger than the biggest intellect. The natural man can never contain the mind of God or His way. Why not just let God be God? A house divided cannot stand. The wheat and the tares will grow together. Don't try to separate who is who. Go by God's word not by your feelings or human reasoning.
Yes, some will misuse and abuse the holy gifts of God but you cannot label everyone by those who do so. You also cannot attribute the works of God to Satan. You must truly be open to the Holy Spirit and His works among us. If it does not line up with the word of God, you have every reason to question it's source, but be sure by studying the word first. There are alternate views and sometimes that's okay but not in this case.
I know. I have been a Christian since 1971. The baptism in The Holy Spirit was one of the most beautiful, faith-building happenings in my spiritual walk. Much good fruit has come of this. Let the world criticize us but don't, as a Christian, do this to the Body of Christ. You may never understand or approve of what God has given to some of us but you will have to accept us in Heaven. We will be there!
God bless you my brother or sister in Christ.
In His love,
Posted June 15, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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